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A Free-format journal is one that accepts papers without any formatting requirements. You have the flexibility of submitting your manuscript to some of the Journals, without reformatting each time. It saves time and brings focus to the research. Thus, it simplifies and streamlines submission, beginning with reducing the time researchers spend formatting and re-formatting their manuscripts.
Which Wiley journals accept Free-Format Journal?
273 Wiley journals offer free format submission. Select a journal from the drop-down below to visit their journal page to learn more.
You can check the list from here
How to submit a Free-Format Journal to a Taylor & Francis journal
If your chosen journal is accepting format-free submissions, you don’t need to format your manuscript to meet any special requirements.
All you need to do is follow these simple steps when submitting your manuscript:
1. Use consistent citations
Your references can be in any scholarly citation format, so long as you use the same approach throughout the article. It is essential that you include:
- Author name(s)
- Journal or book title
- Article or chapter title
- Year of publication
- Volume and issue (where appropriate)
- Page numbers
We recommend that you include DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers but they are not mandatory.
2. Include everything needed for peer review
There are still some minimum requirements that are essential for evaluating an article. These will usually include:
- An abstract
- Author affiliation
- Figures
- Research-funder information
- References
- Conflict of interest disclosures and other ethics statements
3. Completing your submission (How do I submit free format to a journal?)
- Go to your chosen journal’s submission site.
- Upload your manuscript as a single file including text, figures, and tables.
- Confirm all required sections are included in your manuscript.
- (i.e. Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Artwork/Tables with captions). You should also include conflict of interest disclosures and other ethics statements.
- Your references may be submitted in any style or format. Please confirm formatting is consistent throughout.
- (Author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, article title (where required), year of publication, volume & issue /book chapter, and the pagination. Including the DOI is highly encouraged.)
- If you are asked to revise your manuscript after editorial or peer review, the journal will request the revised manuscript to be formatted according to guidelines at that time.
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